Thursday, October 27, 2011

Galapagos VI

Phil and I had a relaxing afternoon on the sun deck, enjoying the view and catching a few z's. Around 5pm I was back on the panga, heading to the Floreana post office. In the past, this island served as a "refueling" spot for the Spanish galleons and the pirates that chased them. The reason for this is that thus island had a source of fresh water. Because these trips took so long (years), it was difficult for the sailors to communicate with their families. Someone had the idea to set up a barrel for letters home. The returning ships would stop here for water and supplies and take those letters that they could deliver along the way. The Galapagos management reinstated the tradition some time ago. So, we went through the post cards that have been left and those that could, took cards they can deliver. The deal is you have to hand deliver the cards - no postage allowed. Tomorrow we will say so long to Galapagos. The days went by lightning fast. Sweet dreams.

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