Thursday, October 27, 2011

Galapagos II

The afternoon excursion started off eventfully. After landing, we were to walk along a jetty to the trail. A sea lion was with a pup on the jetty. The alpha male was nearby and charged up to the jetty every time we tried to cross by the female. We finally got through. The path was very rocky,full of boulders. I eventually fell and had to return back. This was a hassle as no one is allowed alone, in the park, without a guide. It worked out. The ship doctor treated my knee, but it has swelled up anyway. To make matters worse, last night I developed a rash on my wrists. By morning, it had spread to all my arms and chest. I got an injection of something for the rash and medication. It doesn't seem to be abating, but the itching is better. The doctor wasn't sure what caused it, but felt that it could be a reaction to the sun. He recommended staying out of the sun today. So I am running the ship while everyone is on shore.Today, there is a short hike this morning followed by shore snorkeling or kayaking. This afternoon there is an advanced snorkeling trip(heavy current) planned and some other water activites. We were going to skip that one anyway, so I will only miss one activity. Alot of other people are going to sit out the second one today. Becky will have to fill in details from yesterday and this morning. The photos look good on the camera playback. As we had not planned to do this trip, I didn't bring my telephoto lens. But you can get within six feet of the animals, so the regular lens is adequateo. Nonetheless, wish we had the telephoto. Should be able to get them posted this weekend.

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